Apurina Green Rapé


Apurina, Apurina tribe, Brazil 


We are very grateful and happy that we finally can share this beautiful and famous traditional Apurina Rapé with you. This Rapé brings a bright, uplifting energy full of beautiful natural green aromas. Amazing for meditation and ceremonial work, gently bringing focus and clarity.

Apurina is a Rapé blend without Tobacco, so this is an ideal blend for those being a spiritual dieta that excludes Tobacco. This Rapé is also perfect for those who don’t feel like working with Tobacco. The rest of the ingrediënts are a well-kept secret, only known by the members of the Apurina tribe. The ingrediënts are collected in their ancestral forests, only harvesting when Mother Nature is willing to give, making this a very special and rare product. 

!ATTENTION! This blend of Apurina is lighter green in color than most blends of Apurina we have encountered, each family having their own ways of preparing, giving every snuff an unique look, flavor, and energy. Also, the experience is sharper in the nose giving more force to the blow.


There is an unique story to this batch of Apurina that we like to share. Good friends of ours which we buy Rapé from encountered a family of indiginous of the Apurina tribe. They told our friends if they didn’t pay a specific amount of money at the end of the month, that they would be evicted from their home. Our friends bought all the Apurina Rapé, not making any profit themselves. By buying this Apurina Rapé we helped our indigenous brothers and sisters to keep their home.

This is a good example of how we all support the locals in the jungle directly or indirectly by buying their products, so we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all the support that you have been giving. Blessings for the indigenous tribes and guardians of the Forest!

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